Ellenberger Park Traffic Safety Study

The Friends of Ellenberger Park and the residents of Irvington, specifically residents that surround Ellenberger Park, request a street change/traffic study be conducted on the following streets, with the goal to reduce speeds, discourage cut through traffic and improve resident, pedestrian and bicyclist safety: 


  • E. St. Clair St. 
  • Ellenberger Pkwy. E. Dr. 
  • Ellenberger Pkwy W. Dr. 
  • E. Pleasant Run Pkwy. S. Dr. 
  • E. Pleasant Run Pkwy. N. Dr. 
  • Ritter Ave.  
  • E. Michigan St. 

Speed limits are routinely ignored and insufficient traffic control measures create critical hazards to pedestrian/bike traffic near and around the Ellenberger Park/Irvington community.

The requests from residents is to assess for any or all of the following traffic calming measures, or other alternative options:  

  • Speed humps, specifically on the following streets:
    (NOTE: 75% of affected street residents MUST be in favor of a speed hump in order for it to be considered as an option) 
    • E. St. Clair St., specifically between Ritter Ave. and Ellenberger Pkwy. W. Dr. 
    • Ellenberger Pkwy. E. Dr.
    • Ellenberger Pkwy. W. Dr., specifically between E. St. Clair St. and Pleasant Run Pkwy. S. Dr.
  • Improved signage
    • Flashing speed limit signs and/or increased signage
    • Flashing crosswalk, specifically on:
      • Ritter Ave. and E. St. Clair St. intersection
    • All-way stops, specifically on:
      • E. St. Clair St. and Ellenberger Pkwy W. Dr.
      • Ritter Ave. and E. St. Clair St., if a flashing crosswalk is not viable
      • Ellenberger Pkwy. E. Dr. and 9th Street
    • Curve ahead signage, specifically on:
      • Ellenberger Pkwy E. Dr.
      • Pleasant Run Pkwy S. Dr. 
  • Protected bike lanes, specifically on:
    • Pleasant Run Pkwy. S. Dr.
    • Ritter Ave.
  • Side walk or park trail extension for pedestrians/bicyclists, specifically on: 
    • E. St. Clair St., between Ritter Ave. and Ellenberger Pkwy W. Dr.
    • Ellenberger Pkwy. W. Dr., between E. St. Clair St. and Pleasant Run Pkwy. S. Dr.
  • Street narrowing, specifically on:
    • E. St. Clair St., between Ritter Ave. and Ellenberger Pkwy W. Dr.
    • Ellenberger Pkwy. W. Dr., between E. St. Clair St. and Pleasant Run Pkwy. S. Dr.
    • Pleasant Run Pkwy. S. Dr.
  • Rumble strips 
    • Consideration for all affected streets, exlcuding Pleasant Run Pkwy. S. Dr. 
  • Curb bump outs
  • Reduced speed limits to 25 mph or less
  • Increased law enforcement patrols

Irvington residents have been negatively impacted too many times and with a recent tragedy amongst our community. We cannot continue with our current traffic controls and hope for the best. Change is imperative for the safety of our residents and park-goers. If change is NOT made, another life may be lost and/or seriously injured. 


Please select the street in which you reside and are in favor for street change/study to occur. If you are a resident of more than one street (i.e. you live on a corner) then you must submit more than one form. We encourage not only just the affected street residents to sign but also non-affected street residents who are in favor of change. *
Are you in favor of a speed hump?
NOTE: 75% of affected street residents must select YES in order for speed humps to be considered. 
Non-affected street residents may provide a vote to show support. 
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