To quality assure the student learning experience, ICMS is required to conduct regular reviews of courses, and the individual subjects contained within them. The aim of such reviews is to ensure course offerings are aligned to current employment outcomes, professional requirements and good academic practice. In the case of significant changes to subjects/courses, this documentation will form the basis of Material Change Notification to TEQSA.

For more information please refer to the Subject Outline Policy and Subject Development and Review Procedure 

Please select the type of proposed change(s) or revision (s): *
The review and revision are triggered by: *
Have you sought any consultation on the proposed change(s) or revision(s)? *
Consultation: *
If the changes are approved, how will these changes be implemented. Complete the Action & Implementation Plan below (i.e. what is the action triggered by the change and who will be responsible for carrying it out):
 Action Item DescriptionResponsibility
No 1
No 2
No 3
No 4
No 5
No 6
No 7
No 8
Have the assessment types, due dates or weightings changed? *