Thank you for Visiting Stowe, Vermont!

Please take our 2-minute visitor survey for a chance to be featured on our @GoStowe Instagram or Facebook!
We'd love to hear about your experience in town. Your feedback will provide us with valuable information about our visitors to help us better serve you in the future. We are asking these questions to ensure that we are doing our best to meet the needs of everyone who stays and adventures in Stowe. All data will be kept confidential.
Questions with an asterisk (*) indicate the field is required. Questions without an asterisk are optional. 
Tell us about your time in Stowe
How did you find out about Stowe? * 🛈
During which seasons have you traveled to Stowe? * 🛈
What activities did you do while in Stowe? * 🛈
Rank your top 5 reasons for traveling to Stowe * 🛈
Which of the following best describes your trip(s) to Stowe? * 🛈
Did you experience any challenges while planning, booking, or while on your trip? *
Did you feel welcomed during your last trip? *
Here in Stowe, we strive to be as inclusive and respectful to all of our visitors so that everyone traveling to our town feels safe and welcomed. Please indicate your opinion about the following statement:
People of all cultures and backgrounds are respected and valued in Stowe. *
Tell us about yourself
What is your age?
What social media platforms do you regularly use? 🛈
What is your annual household income? 🛈
Which category/categories do you identify with? 🛈
Almost done
For a chance to be featured on our social media pages, we just need some contact information!
We will not share nor sell any information you submit. 
Have a favorite #Stowement to share?
Would you like to share your favorite Stowe moment (#Stowement) or experience with us for a chance to be featured on our social media?

Remember to tag @gostowe, #gostowe and #stowement when sharing photos from your trip.
Have questions? Please contact the Stowe Area Association.
(802) 253-7321 //