The school's most BEAUTIFUL fundraiser!
Saturday, April 26, 2025
SSDS Parking Lot
Order Pick up: 10 am - 2 pm
A Big THANKS in advance! 
This year, Plant Sale net proceeds go to playground structure upgrades at the school. 
Online Orders CLOSE March 23, 2025 so don't delay!

Customer Information

herbs: 4" pots $4.50 each

enter quantity

tomatoes: 3" pots $4.50 each

enter quantity

vegetables/fruit: 3" pots $4.50 each

enter quantity

greens : market packs (6 small plants) $6.50 each

enter quantity

flowers: market packs (6 small plants) $6.50 each

enter quantity
         * denotes "deer resistant" plants

flowers: 4.5" & 6.5" pots $6.50 each

enter quantity

10" hanging baskets: $25.00 each

enter quantity

1 qt. Silver Spring Native Plants: $9.00 each

Native plants are those that occur naturally in a region in which they evolved.
They are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions where they naturally occur, therefore they typically require less water and soil amendments.  The natives we are offering this year are perennial: they'll come back year after year.  They're also deer resistant! 
enter quantity

(94 remaining)
(90 remaining)
(37 remaining)
(21 remaining)
(19 remaining)
(38 remaining)
         * denotes "deer resistant" plants


Total Order:  We will do our best to fulfill your order, but It is possible that substitutions may occur. Plants are not guaranteed to be exactly as displayed.

Relationship to SSDS *
How did you hear about the Plant Sale? *
0/255 characters

I Want to Give

Net proceeds from the plant sale go to playground beautification at Silver Spring Day School.  We are also currently raising money in two other exciting areas: the SSDS Tuition Assistance Fund and Cultural Arts Programming.
If you would like to make an extra donation, below is the place to do it! 

Processing Fee

By checking this box, I agree to pay a $5.00 payment processing fee on my transaction.