SSDS Fingerprinting

SSDS Fingerprinting Policy

Please note:  Fingerprinting and background checks do NOT have to be completed every year.  Fingerprinting completed after June 30, 2022 has no expiration.

As a parent participatory school, SSDS welcomes all families to play an active role in caring for children alongside our educators. In order to ensure the safety of our students and maintain compliance with Maryland State Law, SSDS requires that all adults supervising or caring for children at SSDS must be fingerprinted and undergo an FBI and MD criminal history background check. 

This includes, but may not be limited to adults who will be:

  • choosing a QUARTER, HALF or FULL In-Class Participation option
  • volunteering or substituting in the classrooms
  • assisting the class on field trips and/or driving children on field trips
  • taking responsibility for SSDS students during school hours or activities 

With full respect for the fact that some SSDS family members may not take on such roles, parents may opt out of fingerprinting, with the knowledge that in doing so they will not be able to engage in activities for which fingerprinting is required.  Adults who only come to visit the classroom for special occasions such as birthdays or parties do not need to be fingerprinted, but may not take responsibility for any children other than their own during their visit.

I have read and understood the SSDS fingerprinting policy. *

Important to Note

Only parents, legal guardians, siblings, or grandparents may fulfill in-class participation requirements; nannies, extended family members and special friends are encouraged to support the school in other ways.

After the livescan fingerprinting process is completed, the digital results are transmitted to the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) where a background check is initiated. Within 5-10 days, SSDS will receive reports indicating “no criminal history,”  “investigation” or “criminal history” on record.

Fingerprinting Selection

SSDS arranges for on-site fingerprinting events at SSDS. We have appointments available on both Saturday, May 3, 2025 from 10 am - noon and Thurs. May 29, 2025, from 5 - 7 pm.  During your appointment, you can also get your Release of Information notarized at no charge.  If you are unable to join us for the offered dates, you may contact American Identity Soluntions directly to get make an appointment at their site. 
Please indicate below if you will register for an on-site appointment at SSDS or arrange your own appointment at American Identity Solutions.

Forms Needed for Fingerprinting at American Identity Solutions

If you cannot join us for  an SSDS on-site fingerprinting date, please make your own individual appointment at American Identity Solutions.  You'll need three forms: 
1) The SSDS Fingerprinting Form for American Identity Solutions(AIS) , which includes the SSDS authorization number, addresses for AIS, and special SSDS pricing. Please bring this to your fingerprinting appointment at AIS. 
2) The Release of Information form (OCC 1260) which must be completed, notarized and turned into SSDS.  We can notarize the form for you free of charge at SSDS during business hours, with an appointment. 
3) The Privacy Act Statement/Noncriminal Justice Applicant’s Privacy Rights form, which must be signed and returned to SSDS. 

Forms Needed for Fingerprinting at SSDS

Please download the following forms, complete them at home, and bring them with you to the fingerprinting event at SSDS.  
1) The Livescan Preregistration Application, first section only. 
1) The Release of Information form (OCC 1260) which must be notarized .  We can notarize the form for you free of charge at the fingerprinting event. 
2) The Privacy Act Statement/Noncriminal Justice Applicant’s Privacy Rights form. 


At your fingerprinting session, you will be required to present ONE of the following forms of ID which must show current or recent address:
• state driver's license

• certificate of United States citizenship or naturalization

On-Site Sessions

Fingerprinting at Silver Spring Day School costs $60 per person. 
You may register up to 3 adults for SSDS On-Site Fingerprinting.  Please indicate the number of adults that you are signing up for an appointment time.  
Saturday, May 3, 2025
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Thursday, May 29, 2025
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Student Information

Please indicate the name(s) of your student(s) who will be attending SSDS. 

Adult 1 Information

Adult 2 Information

Adult 3 Information

Customer Payment Information

By checking this box, I agree to pay a $5.00 payment processing fee on my transaction.  THANK YOU!