Make a Payment to SSDS
Student's Name or Affiliated Organization (if applicable)
Tuition Program Payments
Silver Spring Day School now uses Jovial as our Preschool Management System. To make any tuition payments please login to your
Family Jovial Portal
or contact for more information on how to submit a tuition payment.
Training Institute & Other Payments
Training Institute
Other payment, please explain.
0/255 characters
Optional Donation
I Want to Give
Silver Spring Day School is currently raising money in three exciting areas:
SSDS Tuition Assistance Fund, Cultural Arts Programming & Building Beautification Efforts
If you'd like to make a donation, below is the place to do it!
Donation Amount
Please select where you would like your donation to count! Every bit counts.
Tuition Assistance Fund
Cultural Arts Programming
Building Beautification Efforts
Where Needed Most