Wolfsbane K9 LLC Dog Training Agreement

This is a legal and binding contractual agreement between Wolfsbane K9 LLC and a client who wishes to purchase a canine. Any and all legal matters that may arise will be heard in the court system in the county of Hawkins and the State of Tennessee with each party being responsible for their own legal fees. In this agreement, both parties agree that legal action will be the last resort and sought only after every good faith effort has been made to resolve any issues. Parties signing this document agree that they are of legal age to sign documents and enter into agreements in their state and are doing so on their own free will. After each section, there is a box to place your initials. This represents that you have read and agree to that section. At the end, you will sign and date the document representing your agreement as a whole. By completing this agreement you understand that it is in digital format only however you will be allowed to print a copy for your records after you submit the form. Please don't forget to print your copy.

This contract has been updated on July 1, 2024

Thank you in advance and welcome to the Wolfsbane K9 family.

If your dog has been sick recently you must tell us upfront. You must have vaccination records and health vet records. Be sure you bring them or we will not accept your dogs.
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Train, Board, Healthcare and Food:
First and foremost while your dog is with us for training we must take excellent care of him. Our kennels are designed with safety and happiness in mind. Your dog will have an indoor / outdoor area by himself and can access either at any time. Kennels are cleaned multiple times each day and sterile cleaning agents made for such are used. They are natural and non-toxic.
We primarily use food made by Inukshuk and Purina. In addition we feed raw food about twice per week. While our own dogs do well with the food we are happy to feed whatever you would like as long as you pay the extra charges for it. Any food can be ordered from Chewy.com and you will be billed monthly. An upfront fee is required for the first 2 months for custom food.
We feel that our veterinarians are some oif the best in the nation. This is especially true when it comes to knowing the Belgian Malinois. While we strive hard  to keep your dog's health in check but things do happen at times which leave no options other than care from a vet. In this case we will notify you as soon as possible with details of the care. You will be 100% responsible for any medical care and medications for your dog. We charge no extra fees for transporting your dog to vet visits and will send you a copy of each treatment sheet and invoice from our vet. You will have 72 hours to pay the invoice amount to us once it is sent. If your dog needs any vaccinations we can provide them at the kennel other than rabies. Standard 7 way shots are $15 each, microchips are $25 if needed. A rabies vaccine at the vet is $35.
 If you prefer any method of pest control you can obtain it and send it to us.
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Regardless of the training package custom or packages we will detail the training on your invoice which will become part of this contract. If you have questions please let us know before you agree to anything.
Training Payments 

Due to the nature of our business, we expect clients to proceed with the payment once a deal is reached. Since nothing is finalized until we have the payment we could run the risk of losing sales because other clients want the same dog. We are happy to work with you on payment plans. In most cases we simply divide the total amount by the length of time the training package will last. You pay the payment online at the start of each 30 day period.

We can accept any type of payment online via Paypal. In addittion we accept bank wire transfers.

Payments toward training including deposits are non-refundable.

Dog Training: Here are some of the package prices we offer and details of each level of training. No specific discounts are offered on training however when you purchase a package we do offer a discount off the cost of monthly rates. If no packages apply to your situation or dog we will be happy to quote you a price that matches your job.

Puppy Head Start Program: Puppies retain knowledge better between the ages of 8 weeks and 16 weeks than they ever will. It is at this young age you just set the wheels of daily training in motion to create an awesome finished dog as an adult. This training is now offered in two tiers.

Tier 1: We start working on the puppies at 8 weeks and do it for 4 full weeks. It is not possible to fully train any dog in one month so please don't think that is our goal. We will work several times each day to lay the ground work in areas such as. Come, Learn Name, Sit, Stay, Climb, Luring, Enviromental situations, Rides in The Car. Other topics may be added on a per puppy basis. No house training is included in this package. $2000 Per Dog Per Month.

Tier 2: This level will continue with everything started in Tier 1 but will also add in collar and leash conditioning. Sessions will become longer and the puppies will travel with us to various stores, parks and around the farm. Obedience will become more polished as the puppy nears the 16 week mark. This level can only be purchased with Tier 1 as they go hand in hand. $2000 Per Dog Per Month.

Custom Training and Protection Training: What do you want your dog to do? We will be happy to speak with you and give you our input on what we can do to help you. A 30 minute phome consultation is free. The price will vary of course depending on the length of time needed and complexity of the training. $2000 Per Dog Per Month.

If we have offered you a discount on training it will be noted on your invoice. Training invoices are due upon receipt.
Training Progress Updates 
Of course you will want to know how your dog is doing with his training and we get that. So, each month we will send you a progress update which may include a short video with an explanation as to how much the dog has learned and where we are headed in the training. It's something to look forward to each month. We will not send updates based on a client's request. Remember, we are dog trainers not videographers or photographers. Our main dedication is focused on doing the work you pay us to do and that is train your dog.   
Write Your Name With Your Mouse or Finger. *
Anytime you need to contact us please do so by emailing michael@wolfsbanek9.com or calling at 423.914.2408. You may also text that number with short messages. Begin your text with your first and last name so we'll know who you are. If we don't answer please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.
Providing that this form has been completed and submitted correctly we approve the sale and terms of the deal as a representative of Wolfsbane K9. Our typed signature here shall represent the kennel.
Patricia Harold - Wade / CEO  - Wolfsbane K9 LLC.