Advantage After-School Program
Registration Form

Advantage After-School Program Guidelines

Advantage After-School Program Student Guidelines

*Parents/ Guardians please remove and keep this page of the enrollment form.

If you need to reach your child or an Advantage staff during program hours (after school- 6 p.m.),  please call the Advantage cell phone at 607-346-0308

As a part of the Corning Advantage After-School Program Community, staff and youth are expected to treat each other with kindness, courtesy, and respect.

All school rules apply.

  • Students must sign in upon arrival and may only sign themselves in.  If arriving later than 3:20 students must bring a pass.
  • Students are not allowed to leave school property before coming to Advantage; if a student does leave school property they will not be allowed to participate in the Advantage program that day.
  • Students are expected to participate in one of the various scheduled activities and remain in activity for the whole session.
  • Homework help takes place Monday through Friday. We have a tutor that comes in for 6 hours a week and staff do the remaining hours each week.  Students are encouraged to do homework (but are not forced).
  • Respect all staff, students, and property.
  • Use appropriate language *NO Vulgarity* *NO Swearing* *NO Putdowns*
  • Listen when others speak; do not interrupt.
  • No yelling. Use appropriate voices when inside and outside.
  • Keep hands and feet (and every other body part and object) to yourself.
  • Do not touch other people’s property.
  • One person at a time may get a pass to the bathroom/lockers/teachers room.
  • No gossiping
  • Any and all information will be kept confidential.
My child and I have read the Advantage After-School Program Student Guidelines (above) *

Frequently Asked Questions about the Advantage After-School Program


Please contact Brian Rose with any questions at 607-936-3507(office) or 607-346-0308 (Cell)

1. Who can come to the Advantage After-School Program?

All Corning-Painted Post Middle School students are invited to join the Advantage After-School Program.

2. What will I be able to do at the After-School Program?

Homework assistance, recreational games, arts and crafts projects, community service projects, cooperative and active games, academic enrichment, cooking club, character education activities, and computer time.

3. Do I have to be there to whole time?

Not necessarily.  For example, if you have sports or chorus practice at 3:30, you could join the after-school program before practice, get a healthy snack, and come back after practice is over.  Staff can help arrange this.

4. Do I have to attend every day?

We encourage you to attend every day but understand that this is not always possible.  The youth who attend every day for the entire length of the program have more opportunities for experiences. Parents will NOT be notified if their child is not in attendance that day.  Whoever is at the program by 3:20 p.m. is our group for the day!

5. How do I sign up?  Who can I talk to about the Advantage After-School Program?

The most convenient way is to complete this online application form.

Or you can talk with your teachers, principal, or guidance counselor.  You can speak with Advantage staff at the After-School Program office (located in your school’s cafeteria). You can also reach Advantage staff during the school day by phone at 607-936-3507.

6. Do I need permission from my parent/guardian to attend the Advantage After-School Program?

Yes, once you decide to join you will be given a new student packet that must be turned back in, in order for you to continue attendance.

7. What if I want to stop attending the after-school program?

The program is strictly voluntarily.  You may stop coming to the program at any time.  We may need to contact your parent or guardian.

8. When is the after-school program?

The program starts after school and ends at 6:00pm, Monday-Friday. However, we do not operate the program when school is not in session.  For example: snow days, half days, vacations, and summer.  The program will only close if the school district closes ALL after-school activities.

 9. How will I get home from the after-school program?

You will need to arrange transportation (i.e. walking, pick-up) with your parent/guardian. A late bus is available Monday-Thursday at 4:30 p.m when intramurals are in session.

My child and I have read the Advantage After-School Program Frequently Asked Questions (above) *

Application Form

Does your household receive any of the following (New York State OCFS Required Question) *

The Advantage After-School Program operates Monday through Friday from right after-school until 6:00 pm.  We only operate on FULL school days.

Parent Permission

I give my child permission to walk home, sign themselves out of the Advantage program, or be picked up by another individual other than myself. I understand that I can change this at anytime by contacting the Advantage Program at 607-346-0308 or 607-936-3507. *If you select Other, please fill in with great detail.* *
I give permission for my child to participate in the Advantage After-School Program at Corning-Painted Post Middle School and receive medical treatment in the case of an emergency.  *
I give my permission for the Advantage After-School Program and Family Service Society, Inc. to use photos of my child’s likeness for annual reports, brochures, and other print, broadcast, and electronic media.  *
Parent/Guardian Signature *


  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Talk with staff in the office about behavior, the need to correct it, and the consequences if they do not. Parents when called will need to attend the program the day of the incident and sign the form for the behavior issue. 
  3. Suspension from the Advantage After-School Program - 
    1. Failure to sign in and out - (1) day off
    2. Swearing - (1) day off
    3. Being Disrespectful - (3) days off
    4. Physical contact -Up to (5) days off
    5. Fighting, physical, or verbal abuse -  Up to (5) days off
    6. Staff will meet with the Director for recurrent behavior problems together with the behavior log documentations, a determination suspension level including suspensions from 2 weeks to indefinitely depending on the recurring behaviors and/or Failure in the students abilty to be redirected. 

*Students will not be allowed to return to the program once they have signed out for the day unless they are coming from practice, rehearsal, or an event that is school related* 

Upon returning to the Advantage After-School Program, students will need to meet with the Program Coordinator.

I understand the Corning Advantage After-School Program conduct guidelines and what will happen if I do not follow these.

I have spoken to my youth about the guidelines set forth. We both agree to follow these program guidelines.
Parent/Guardian Signature *

Sharing of Information & Character Education & Prevention Activities

Dear Parents,

The Advantage After-School Program is required to meet set performance targets for the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) funding. Many of these performance targets are focused on the academic improvement of the students. Any information gained is kept strictly confidential.

The Advantage After-School Program offers students opportunities to participate in character education and prevention activities.  Some of these topics could include, drug and alcohol prevention, healthy decision-making, and positive body image

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Brian Rose at 607-936-3507 (office).

I give permission for Corning-Painted Post Middle School to provide social and academic information (i.e. grades, weekly progress reports, behavior notes) about my child to Family Service Society, Inc.'s Advantage staff in accordance to FERPA. *
I give permission for my child to participate in the following activities: *
Parent/Guardian Signature *