To best serve the community, the Laura Richardson Houghton Corning Youth Center & T.R.E.E. of Dreams Teen Space will be open during the school year 2:45 PM - 7:00 PM for youth 8-18, select half days we will be 11AM-7 PM. Summer is July & August 8 AM - 6 PM. In order for your child(ren) to be considered, you will need to complete the attached form, and each child will need their OWN form completed. All forms must be filled out, TANF forms are a requirement by the county not by our program. We are a DROP IN CENTER which means it a youth can sign out at anytime. If you do not want your child to leave without permission please have these discussions with your youth and the staff. We have a list of rules and regulations that must be followed for safety of youth and staff.