This form is to be completed if you desire your student(s) to enroll in a school in Russell County they are not zoned for. Zoning is based strictly on the home address of the student, which is defined as the place where the student lives and sleeps every day.
Requests to transfer in the Russell County School System will be considered on an individual basis. Requests are processed through both the school and through the Central Office, and may take several days to process. If requesting waivers for more than one child, please fill out a form for each child. This process must be completed and approved annually for each student who resides outside of the school's zone.
Parents must understand that permission to attend the any other school than which they are zoned for is a privilege. If approved, the guardian will be responsible for transportation to and from school, as the Russell County School System will not accept the responsibility for transportation of any student(s) attending a school other than the one for which they are zoned. Continued enrollment in the approved transfer school is also contingent upon the student maintaining positive discipline, attendance, and grades, as well as the parents/guardians' positive engagement and cooperation with Russell County Schools. Failure to do so may result in the transfer being revoked.