Mantle Cell Lymphoma Video Evaluation
1. Please select the option that best describes you: *
Please select subcategory *
Please select subcategory *
2. Do you describe yourself as a man, a woman, or in some other way? *
4. What is your Race? (check all that apply)
Are you Hispanic/Latino?
5. Have you or the patient been diagnosed with a blood cancer? *
If yes, when were you/patient diagnosed?
If yes, please tell us what type of blood cancer (check all that apply): *
Are you or the patient currently being treated? *
What treatments have you or the patient had? (check all that apply) *
6. Are you or the patient presently in or ever participated in a clinical trial? *
7. How effective was Jacob D. Soumerai, MD, in explaining: *
 Not EffectiveSomewhat EffectiveEffectiveVery Effective
What Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) is and how it is diagnosed
The history of MCL treatments
The future of MCL treatments
8. Following this program, do you feel more prepared to discuss cancer diagnoses challenges with a healthcare professional? *
Thank you for your comments.

If you would like more information from LLS, please provide your contact information below:

If you have additional questions following this program, please contact an LLS Information Specialist toll-free at (800) 955-4572 or

* Indicates required field