Post-Video Survey

Please complete this short survey after watching this video series, so that we can understand what you learned.
1. I am viewing this video series as a: *
2. My age is: *
2B. The age of the patient is: *
3. Have you or the patient been diagnosed with a blood cancer? *
The patient’s diagnosis (select all that apply): *
    4. When was the patient first diagnosed with a blood cancer?
5. The patient’s treatment status: *
6. My gender is: *
7. My race is (select all that apply): *
8. Do you consider yourself Hispanic/Latino? *
9. How did you hear about this video series? (check all that apply): *
10. Has the doctor or another healthcare professional ever spoken to you about Minimal Residual Disease (MRD)? *
11. Has the patient or caregiver ever spoken to a doctor or other professional about how MRD is utilized for your blood cancer? *
Who brought up the topic of MRD? *
Has the results of MRD testing influenced the treatment protocol for the patient? *
12. Please choose true or false: *
MRD stands for Minimal or Measurable Residual Disease
MRD is utilized to tailor therapy for many blood cancer patients.
MRD positivity is when there are no detectable cancer cells found when tested for MRD.
13. How confident are you that you can do the following for a doctor’s appointment: *
 Not at all confidentNot very confidentSomewhat confidentMostly confidentTotally confident
Prepare and think about what you want to ask your doctor/treatment team about how MRD may be utilized for your diagnosis
14. Using a scale from 1-7 (with 1 = "Not at all important" and 7 = "Very important"), *
How important do you feel it is to talk to your doctor about MRD?
15. Using a scale from 1-7 (with 1 = "Not at all likely" and 7 = "Will definitely dictate my treatment plan"), *
How important is MRD in determining your treatment plan?