Senior Fees
DUE the 1st Tuesday of December
Plan A. Complete Senior Fee - $295
- cap, gown and tassel
- 30 graduation invitations
- diploma, with cover
- senior portrait sitting fee
- walk-out at homecoming for seniors and parents
- senior banquet for seniors and parents and senior display board
- graduation ceremony
- two 5x7 graduation photos (one class photo and one student/parent photo)
- yearbook
- transcript services
- class yard sign
- A particular ordering page will be set up for ordering any EXTRA graduation items you might need. A link to the ordering page will be provided later in the year when it becomes available.
Plan B. Diploma Only w/ portrait sitting - $100
- diploma, with cover
- transcript services
- senior portrait sitting
Plan C. Diploma Only - $85
- diploma, with cover
- transcript services
Plan D. Transcript Services Only - $60
- no diploma
- only transcript validating graduation sent to institutions of higher learning and military or service academies.
Payment of Senior Fees (DUE 1st Tuesday of December) may be made through PayPal, check, or money order. If paying by check or money order, make payable to ECS and indicate “senior fee” and the student’s name in the subject line.