ECS Senior Graduation Form

All ECS seniors must complete this form.
Instructions: Please do not use ALL CAPS

Senior Student Information

Sex *

Graduation Options

Senior Fees

DUE the 1st Tuesday of December 

Plan A. Complete Senior Fee - $295

  • cap, gown and tassel
  • 30 graduation invitations
  • diploma, with cover
  • senior portrait sitting fee
  • walk-out at homecoming for seniors and parents
  • senior banquet for seniors and parents and senior display board
  • graduation ceremony
  • two 5x7 graduation photos (one class photo and one student/parent photo)
  • yearbook
  • transcript services
  • class yard sign
  • A particular ordering page will be set up for ordering any EXTRA graduation items you might need. A link to the ordering page will be provided later in the year when it becomes available.

Plan B. Diploma Only w/ portrait sitting - $100

  • diploma, with cover
  • ​transcript services 
  • senior portrait sitting

Plan C. Diploma Only - $85

  • diploma, with cover
  • ​transcript services 

Plan D. Transcript Services Only - $60

  • no diploma
  • only transcript validating graduation sent to institutions of higher learning and military or service academies.

Payment of Senior Fees (DUE 1st Tuesday of December) may be made through PayPal, check, or money order. If paying by check or money order, make payable to ECS and indicate “senior fee” and the student’s name in the subject line.  


  • Senior Homecoming Walkout

    It is the policy of Evangel Christian School that the enrolling parent(s) of each senior will be allowed to escort their senior onto the field during senior walk-out. A senior with a parent living outside the home who is not held responsible by ECS for the education of the child, (i.e. not listed as an enrolling parent on the ECS enrollment form), are welcome to attend senior walk-out, but will not participate in the escorting of the senior onto the field during senior walk-out. 

Senior Banquet

Cap and Gown

Cap Size *

Senior Parent Information

  • At the ECS graduation ceremony, the enrolling parent(s) of each senior will have the privilege of presenting their graduate with his/her diploma. "Enrolling parent(s)" is determined as the one(s) listed on the most recent ECS enrollment form.
  • Any parent living outside the home and not listed on the ECS Enrollment Form is/are not considered by ECS as the parent(s) held responsible for the education of the child. Therefore, while welcome to attend the graduation ceremony, any parent not listed on the most recent ECS enrollment form will not be listed as the parent of the senior in any publication and will not receive reserved seating nor participate in the presentation of diplomas
  • Therefore, as a final clarification of the parent(s) to be involved in graduation, please state and spell correctly below the name of the parent(s) listed on the latest ECS Enrollment Form exactly as they will be named in the printed graduation program and announced upon the presentation of diplomas. 
By signing below, I hereby certify that I am the enrolling parent or legal guardian of the above named student, as listed on my latest ECS enrollment form and that all of the above information is true and accurate. *
Parent Signature *

Name Pronunciations

Name Pronunciations

Although the pronunciation of many names is obvious, some require special attention. In order to ensure that we announce your name properly at senior events, please provide us with the correct pronunciation. If your name is one that is pronounced in a special way, please use the ‘sounds like’ or ‘phonetic’ spelling guide below and email us either the ‘sounds like’ or ‘pronunciation key format’ for your name. 

Sounds Like

A ‘sounds like’ is a familiar word that rhymes with your name.

Pronunciation Key


Key Words

fat, parrot

ape, date, play

ah, car, father


as in ago

elf, berry

even, meet, money

ice, bite, high

as in sanity

is, hit, mirror


joy, agile, badge


as in comply

open, tone, go

all, law


ooze, crew


oil, toy


look, pull


out, crowd, plow


as in focus


up, cut


urn, fur, deter


use, cute, few


united, globule


azure, leisure


Using ‘sounds like’ format: Kim Lamagna sounds like “lasagna”

Using ‘pronunciation key format’: Leslie Costanzo cō stan zō

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