Transcript / Records Distribution Request
Complete one form for each student to send their transcript and/or records from ECS to another institution. 
NOTE: For the submission of this form to be acted upon by the school office:
1. all required ECS student records must be up to date at the school office, e.g., report cards, curriculum logs, attendance forms, etc., and
2. your ECS financial account must be in good standing.
Please allow 7-10 working days for the transcript to be processed and delivered to the institution. 


I understand that if all my student's curriculum logs, report cards, and attendance forms are not up to date with ECS ECS is unable to transfer records as requested. *
I understand that if my account is not at a zero balance, ECS is unable to transfer records as requested. *

INSTITUTION to receive records

Include ACT Scores on transcript *
Parent Signature (unless an alum) *
Secured by Formsite
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"Homeschooling to Know the Preeminence of Christ†"

Evangel Christian School does not discriminate based on race, color, or national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies and admission.