What is a featurette video?
A featurette is a short 60-90 second video that focuses on a single action or task that a user might want to do. The task should be comprised of 3-5 clear steps to complete. Featurettes can also serve as a quick demonstration of a Pega product feature and can be used as a promotional tool to bring awareness. 

A video team member will contact you to determine if your submission meets the criteria as a featurette. 

Featurette Examples
How to Use Email Templates
How to Edit a Work Area Template
How to Add Docusign to a Case
*In your last step show what the end-user will see once all steps are completed.
 Tips for recording Your Product Footage:
1. Set desktop to 1920 x 1080 resolution
3. Set browser to Full Screen when recording
3. Capture your screen by using a screen recording tool:
  - Chrome Plugin Loom (free)
  - Camtasia Studio
  - Captivate
4. Refer to this Mesh page in regards to using fictious company names, email addresses, etc.
More to come soon...
If you would like to use Camtasia in the Cambridge recording room (Academy Recording Room - 5C-147), you can book it like any conference room via Outlook.