Streaming Live on YouTube!

Featuring Virtual Readings of Winning Student Plays 

BILL ONE - 1pm

An Assortment of
by Lillian Henderson
Cheltenham Elementary

My Humans Are
Having a What?!
by Rheva Wolf
Cedarbrook Middle School

BILL TWO - 3pm

The Chicken
and the Missing Shoe
by Lynnea Prunty

Fertilizer and Flying Pigs
by Nina Chen, Maya Gest, Tess Mullen 
J.R. Masterman School

Bill THREE - 7pm

Not Your Average Story
by Alexis Hammond
Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush


Ticket Information

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More Information!

Please take a minute to answer the questions below, and know that all responses are anonymous.
I am a... (Select ALL that apply)
Is this your first Young Playwrights Event?
Is this your first time attending any theater event?
Ethnicity (Please select ALL that apply)
Please indicate your annual household income
What is your highest level of eduation?
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