2025 Annual Playwriting & Monologue Festival Submission Form

To submit ELECTRONICALLY (preferred):

  1. Please save your play as a Microsoft Word Document (saved as .doc) with the name of the document as School, Grade, Teacher Last Name, Play Title, Author Last Name.

    Example - Masterman, 9, Adams, Robots are Coming, Smith


  2. Have the Google Drive Link to your play or monologue handy

  3. a. Click the Blue "Share" button in the upper right hand corner of your play
    b. Click the "Get Sharable Link" button
    c. Where it says "enter names or email addresses," enter "submissions@phillyyoungplaywrights.org"
    d. Click the blue "done" button
    e. A warning will pop up: tell google it's okay to share with someone outside the organization

    How to Paste the Link:
    Right Click, Click Paste (on a PC) 
    Cntrl + V (on a PC) 
    Apple + V (on a Mac )

  4. Fill out this Electronic Submission form.

We advise that you keep a digital copy of your play or monologue, as scripts will not be returned.

If you are submitting more than one play or monologue, please fill out a Submission Form for each piece.

Please fill out this Submission Form completely and make sure that all contact information is accurate. We will need this info to send your feedback and contact authors who have been selected for additional opportunities!  You will receive an email confirming that we received your submission once you are done.

We'll use this info to contact winning authors, and send your responses in the fall.

School Info

Play Information

Was this play written : *
If you are submitting multiple plays/monologues please check the box below. You will need to complete the submission process for each piece.
If you are a teacher submitting on behalf of a student or multiple students, please send parent or student contact information (email, phone, home address) to submissions@phillyyoungplaywrights.org so that we can ensure all students receive feedback to their plays.