Urological Society for American Veterans
2024 Abstract Submission Form

Click here for full abstract preparation instructions
*Abstracts CANNOT be already accepted at another forum or session at the AUA.

*Abstracts need to be pertinent to a VA population, please no pediatric submissions.

*All presentations are Podium and Poster only

Select a Category: *

Are you the participant in an on-going research project? *
Is this an original work of yours with advisor(s)? *
Will you be the first author on the manuscript when it is submitted for publication? *
Please check one if applicable:

Has this Paper Been:                                                                                                       
Presented at any meeting? *
Previously published? *
Submitted for publication? *
Scheduled for presentation prior to this meeting? *
Provided with funding? *

Contact Information (for presenting author):
All information contained in this submission is true to the best of your knowledge? *