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Society of Government Service Urologists

James C. Kimbrough Urological Seminar

El Conquistador Tucson, A Hilton Resort
January 18-22, 2023

We look forward to seeing you!
Note: you may pay your activity/registration fees by credit card or check on the next page - a confirmation will be emailed to you.
Kimbrough Registration - Tucson 2023

Registration Categories and Rates *
*Activity fees include badge, materials and admittance to all educational programs/sessions, breakfast and related meals. Activity/Registration fees do not include annual membership dues.

Please provide the information below:                                                           
Staying at Group Hotel? *
New Member/First meeting? *

Add Spouse and/or Guest Registration:
Fee includes badge, daily breakfast (Thurs-Sun), access to meeting sessions, breaks, exhibits, and evening social events - the Wednesday Welcoming Reception, GU Bowl/Wild West BBQ on Friday and Poster/Awards Reception on Saturday. This package does not include the Business Lunch or CME.

Optional Activities- please check events you plan to attend
Optional: Make a Supporting Contribution (All Benefactors shall be acknowledged in the meeting program. Thank you for helping SGSU!)

Click "Continue" button below to review your order and payment options.
SGSU does not plan to cancel this meeting unless necessary due to travel prohibitions and/or gathering restrictions.

Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your registration up to 14 days prior to the meeting (on or before January 6, 2022) without penalty. You will receive a full refund promptly. Cancellations received after January 6, 2022 cannot be refunded. However, registration is transferable to a friend or associate, or if you decide not to use it we will credit it to a future meeting minus a $100 processing fee. No shows cannot be refunded.

Health and Safety: SGSU is committed to maintaining all appropriate sanitary, health, and safety measures and encourage attendees to follow guidelines recommended by the local health agencies.

Assistance: Please let us or the resort know if you are physically disabled and have special requirements. Send a description of your needs or call us at 714-550-9155.
Consent to Use of Photographic Images: Registration and attendance at, or participation in, SGSU meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to SGSU to use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes of such events and activities.
NEED HELP: Please call or email us at 714-550-9155 ( for assistance. Thank you.
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