New York State USBC Future Stars Award
for Members in Grades K to 8

The New York State USBC will award six scholarship awards to youth bowlers in grades K thru 8 who exhibit their love for the sport of bowling through a photo "selfie" and caption depicting why they like to bowl.

Three awards will be given in the K-4 division and three in the grades 5-8 division.

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

- New York State USBC Association youth member in good standing.

- Must be currently enrolled in grades K to 8.

Youth Bowlers are asked to submit (electronically) a bowling related photo (“selfie”) with an appropriate caption explaining “Why I like to bowl!”

Have fun!  Be creative!  When taking the photo, think about the following:

When you bowl. Who you bowl with. Who got you started in bowling. What you like to do other than bowling.

Submit your "selfie" and caption to us by completing the form below. Please be sure to indicate your current grade level.

The New York State USBC Scholarship Committee will select winners based on creativity.


Athlete Information

Photo Submission

Application Deadline: April 1

If you should have any questions regarding the New York State USBC Association Scholarship Program and/or this application process, please contact: Frank Wilkinson, via e-mail: frankjwilkinson@gmail.com or Liz DeHart, via e-mail: LDEH123@aol.com.
New York State USBC Future Stars Award Nomination Application - www.bowlny.com