Your gift amount
Real cost after income tax reduction (IR):
Real cost after tax deduction: 

€ 42,50 (IR) or € 50 (IS)

€ 85 (IR) or € 100 (IS)

€ 170 (IR) or € 200 (IS)

€ 340 (IR) or € 400 (IS)

€ 1,020 (IR) or € 1,200 (IS)

€ 1,700 (IR) or €2,000 (IS)


For tax residents outside of France, take advantage of tax deductions in your country by making your donation via:
● the Transnational Giving Network if based in Belgium, Italy, Spain, or Switzerland. 
● the SKEMA Education Foundation if based in the United States.

Thank you for your pledge to SKEMA Business School!
If you are paying by check, please make payable to SKEMA Business School and send to:
Philanthropy Service - SKEMA Business School
5 Quai Marcel Dassault
92150 Suresnes - France
If you wish to pay by bank transfer, please find SKEMA's bank details below:
IBAN : FR76 3000 4028 3700 0112 0330294
Reference to include on your transfer: Donation [First Name] [Last Name]
We will send you a tax receipt as soon as we receive your donation.
Thank you for your generous support of our school!
The Philanthropy Team
+33 6 24 29 66 41