emerson grey  designs
Do you want to paint in this room? *
Would you be willing to do any DIY projects for this room? *
For my nursery design clients, please mark all the bedding choices you'll want me to suggest for your space. *
What color families are you drawn to? Mark as many as you'd like and wouldn't mind having in your space. This doesn't mean I will incorporate them all, but I don't want to work with a color you aren't a fan of. *
What design style are you drawn to most for your space? *
Do you give me permission to use photos of your room on my website, Facebook and Pinterest?  Possibly other forms of media? *

Thank you so much for inquiring about my design services. It's an honor to be able to take part in creating the perfect space for you.  This process will be fun and easy.  Let's get started. 
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