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To the Student: This exam will serve as an evaluation and overall analysis of core subject and grade-specific comprehension of subject matter you have completed during your High School career. Please answer all questions to the best of your knowledge, leaving no question unanswered. We want all test-takers to have fair access to the tests. If you have a diagnosed learning disability, physical/chronic health disability, emotional/mental health disability, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder you can request accommodations (note: all requests are considered on an individual basis, but all requests are not automatically approved).The tests provide adults who did not complete a formal high school program the opportunity to demonstrate they have high school-level academic knowledge and skills. The tests are normed on graduating high school students, and only 60 percent of graduating high school seniors would pass this Exam on their first attempt. 
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This Exam will test you in the following areas:
Math, Science, History, English Reading, English Writing, and your Electives (Social Skills).
Throughout your Exam you will see an icon that looks like this:
Please press this button if you need to answer a question, and refer back to the reading to assist you with your answer. Please check "I understand", if you understand what this is for. If you do not please contact the office to help clarify. 


The Mathematics Exam assesses an understanding of mathematical concepts and the application of those concepts to various situations. The test: Measures problem-solving, analytical, and reasoning skills, Determines whether a candidate can interpret information from both word problems and graphic formats, including charts, tables, graphs, and diagrams, Presents problems in real-life contexts.

The Mathematics Exam contains 25 questions. On this portion of the test, you may use a calculator to compute answers.The Mathematics Test assesses your understanding of mathematical concepts and the application of those concepts to various real-world situations. The following four major areas are tested on the Mathematics Exam

  • Number operations and number sense (20%–30%)
  • Measurement and geometry (20%–30%)
  • Data analysis, statistics, and probability (20%–30%)
  • Algebra, functions, and patterns (20%–30%)

Please log in your START time and END time, as this is a timed exam and per State Law must be completed within a certain time frame. 
1. A triangle with 3 different sides in length is called a(n): *
2. A basketball team has won 50 games of 75 played. The team still has 45 games to play. How many of the remaining games must the team win in order to win 60% of all games played during the season? *
3. Last month, the balance in Tisha's checking account was $1219.17. Since then she has deposited her latest paycheck of $2425.66 and written checks for $850 (rent), $235.89 (car payment), and $418.37 (credit card payment). What is the current balance of Tisha's checking account? *
4. Jason is 23 years older than his daughter, Barbara. Jason is 37. Which of these equations below could be used to determine Barbara's age (use b for Barbara): *
5. What is the value of y?
y + 3 = 10
6. Simplify the following expression by combining (adding together what is alike) like terms:
8n + 5 - n + 13
7. What is the domain (the first element or number, from each pair) of this relation:
{ (4,1), (5,2), (6,-1), (8,5) }
8. On a number line, which are greater: *
9. Add 5/13 + 2/13 *
10. A trapezoid has a base of x and a height of 3 units. If there is also a square with sides measuring x, what formula would be used to calculate the total area of both figures (the ^ sign represents the exponent or power of the number): *
11. A school has 18 classes with 35 students in each class. In order to reduce class size to 30, how many new classes must be formed?
12. A man drives x miles the first day, y miles the second day, and z miles the third day. The average mileage covered per day is:  *
13. Shane is working with a spreadsheet on his computer. The spreadsheet will calculate the cost of the wood trim around rectangular windows based on the dimensions of the window and the price of the wood. The following entries have been made. Shane wants to enter a formula in the last column so that the spreadsheet will calculate the final cost of the job. Which of the following formulas should he enter?

Length of window in feet: A7
Width of window in feet: B7
Price per foot of wood trim: C7
Cost of trim for window: ______
14. Last month, the balance in Tisha's checkbook was $1219.17. Since then she has deposited her latest paycheck of $2425.66 and written checks for $850.00 (rent), $235.89 (car payment), and $418.37 (credit card payment). What is the current balance in Tisha's checking account? *
16. One ingredient in the sauce Kyle is preparing for tonight's dinner is half a teaspoon of red pepper. If the recipe he is using is designed to make enough sauce for 8 servings, but Kyle is only making 4 servings, what fraction of a teaspoon of red pepper should he use? *
17. On a certain compact disc, three songs have the following playing times:

Song A: 4 minutes and 56 seconds
Song B: 2 minutes and 30 seconds
Song C: 10 minutes and 16 seconds
What is the average playing time of these three songs?
18. Express 2,750,389 in scientific notation:

19. What are the factors of 6x – 6?  *
20. Samantha is buying ground beef for her club’s picnic. They will make 76 hamburgers; each hamburger will contain 5 ounces of meat. Which of the following expressions can Samantha use to find out how many pounds of ground beef she must buy?  *
21. The four babies born at the local hospital on New Year’s Day had weights of 5 pounds 7 ounces, 6 pounds 4 ounces, 6 pounds 12 ounces, and 7 pounds 2 ounces. What was the median weight of the babies?  *
22. What is less that 1/2?
23. John currently has enough money to buy 45 books. If the cost of each book was 10 cents less, John could buy 5 more books. How much money does John have to spend on books? *
24. Simplify 6(k – 3) – 5(k + 2): *
25. A string of Christmas tree lights has 15 lights. One of the lights does not work. What is the probability that the defective light is the third one from the plug?  *


The Science Exam emphasizes the physical sciences (physics and chemistry) and expands the area of Earth science to include space science. Test questions measure the candidate’s skill in understanding and interpreting concepts of life, Earth, and space sciences; physics; and chemistry, and applying them to visual and written text from academic and workplace contexts. The questions reflect the many roles of individuals (for example, worker, family member, consumer, and citizen).

The Science Exam measures the major and lasting expected outcomes of a sound, well-rounded high school science education. These outcomes include the acquisition of a broad knowledge base and the ability to use a range of reasoning skills. Test questions focus on the comprehensive, integrated skills typical of what the candidate must know, understand, and be able to perform in order to be scientifically literate.

The Science Exam test questions require you to understand, interpret, or apply information that is provided on the test or that is learned through life experience. The information may be a paragraph, chart, table, graph, map, or figure. The Science Test consists of 25 multiple-choice questions in the following content areas:

  • Physical Science (physics and chemistry) (35%)
  • Life Science (45%)
  • Earth and Space Science (20%)

Please log in your START time and END time, as this is a timed exam and per State Law must be completed within a certain time frame. 

1. Clay soil forms a fairly effective barrier against the movement of water. It also swells and shrinks significantly as its water content changes. Sandy soil, in contrast, allows water to move freely and does not change shape as the water content varies. In which statement is the appropriate soil selected for its intended site?

2. Matter made up of only one kind of atom is a(n): *
3. In an atom, the number of electrons equals the number of:  *
4. _____________ is a push or pull that one object exerts off another: *
5. What is the Study of Biology: *
6. In a Punnett Square, as well as in Genetics, a ___________ contains both a dominant and a recessive trait: *
7. In an energy pyramid, the bottom level is made up of: *
8. These clouds are layered and often cover most of the sky: *
9. Scientists often use __________ to better see how something works: *
10. Unlike other planets, Earth has _________:  *
Please use the following reading to answer questions 11-14:

Scientists performed an experiment to determine whether there is a connection between learning ability and food. They took two groups of 20 mice each, all from the same purebred strain. The mice were deprived of food for 3 days and then given a standard learning session in running through a maze. They were trained by giving them a mild electric shock whenever they took a wrong turn. Immediately after each learning session, one group of mice was fed, but the other was not, A week later, all of the mice were tested to see whether they could still run the maze correctly. The group that had been fed had retained this ability, but the other group had not.

11. The probable reason that the scientists used only mice from the same pure-bred strain is so that:
12. A finding is a proven result obtained as part of an experiment. Which of the following could be considered a valid finding? * 🛈
13. The use of an electric shock in the teaching process is: * 🛈
14. Chemical fertilizers stimulate plant growth; but if the concentration is too high, they may damage roots. What precautions concerning chemical fertilizers must a gardener take? *
15. Amniote vertebrates are generally classified into three orders: Reptilia, Ayes (birds), and Mammalia. Of the following, which group of three animals contains one member of each order? *
16. As temperature rises, solids generally become more soluble in water, but gases become less soluble. If a soft drink contains high concentrations of sugar and carbon dioxide, which of the following may be expected to happen if it is cooled down?

A. Sugar may precipitate out.
B. Gas bubbles may form and produce foam.
C. Water may evaporate rapidly.
17. An object accelerates (changes its speed) only if the forces acting on it in one direction are greater than the forces in the opposite direction, All of the following objects will accelerate EXCEPT *
18. An object accelerates (changes its speed) only if the forces acting on it in one direction are greater than the forces in the opposite direction, All of the following objects will accelerate EXCEPT *
19. The Smiths have four children, all girls. Their fifth child is a boy. Why did this change occur? *
20. Air is composed of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, and other gasses. How may air be best described? *
21. Table salt - sodium chloride, one of the most common substances occurring in nature - is best classified as which of the following? *
22. Which one of the following is not in the insect family? *
Please use the following reading to answer questions 23-25:

Ions are electrically charged particles that are formed when certain compounds are dissolved in water. These solutions will conduct electricity. The Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius coined the term ion (which means wanderer) to explain why solutions of electrolytes will conduct an electric current. When an electrolyte forms into a solution, it dissolves or dissociates into ions, a process called ionization. If a substance does not ionize, it will not conduct an electric current.

Electrolytes include most acids, bases, and salts. Some conductors include hydrogen and sodium chloride, copper sulfate, and potassium nitrate. Substances that are not electrolytes include distilled water, sugar water, and most organic compounds.

23. Which of the following is a nonelectrolyte?
24. Which of the following compounds in the liquid phase can be considered an electrolyte? * 🛈
25. A process called ionization is when: * 🛈


The Social Studies Exam measures a candidate’s skill in understanding and interpreting key history, geography, economics, and civics concepts and principles and applying them to visual and written academic and workplace contexts. Source materials and questions on this Social Studies Exam address the experiences of citizens, consumers, and workers in the United States, Canada, and the rest of the world. The test questions are based on written and visual texts drawn from a variety of sources including academic and workplace texts as well as primary and secondary sources.

The Social Studies Exam contains 25 multiple-choice questions from the following content areas:

  • History (United States or Canada, 25%; World, 15%)
  • Geography (15%)
  • Civics and Government (25%)
  • Economics (20%)

Please log in your START time and END time, as this is a timed exam and per State Law must be completed within a certain time frame. 
1. According to the Declaration of Independence, all people have the natural right to: * 🛈
2. When Christopher Columbus landed in 1942, he thought he had reached:  *
3. People from colonial N. America, who wanted reform from the Angelic Church, were called: *
4. What was the first written Constitution in America: *
5. Nationalism is a force that gives people a sense of community and inspires love for one's country. A positive effect of Nationalism is that it leads to a sense of unity and pride.  *
6. The purpose of International trade is to: *
7. _________ is/are how cultures maintain order. *
8. The Aborigines' primary means of subsistence was: *
9. Only one branch in the government can impeach, whether the impeached person is the President or a judge. Which branch has this power: *
10. Which of the following is not a function of the FRS (Federal Reserve System): *
Please choose one best answer for each question. Questions 11 and 12 are based on the following reading:

The history of the world is filled with stories of people migrating. Migration is the movement of people from one place to another as they seek a new home. Famine, overpopulation, limited resources, war, and religious and political persecution "push" immigrants to move to another country. Hopes for employment and a better life "pull" immigrants to new places.

Millions have migrated to North America since the 1600s. Spanish, French, English, and Dutch immigrants were the first European settlers to establish permanent colonies. They settled in lands originally populated by people from Asia. Many people from Africa were driven from their homes at this time to be enslaved to work in colonies in the Americas.

Throughout the 1800s, immigrants looking for employment came to North America from Japan, China, and southeastern Europe. In the 1970s and 1980s, Southeast Asians, Latin Americans, and Caribbeans migrated to North America. Many of these immigrants fled from war-torn countries, political persecution, and economic difficulties.

11. The government of a country may restrict the number of immigrants allowed to enter that country. These restrictions on immigration are most likely based on what belief?

12. Based on the information, which is an opinion rather than a fact about immigrants to North America? * 🛈
13. The most useful indicator of the degree of democracy reached by a particular society is whether it has a: *
14Each of the following presidents came to prominence as a wartime generals except:
15. The first amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United states constitution guarantees all of the following except:
16. The "free silver" campaign of 1896 received support from: *
17. A study of the causes of the American Revolution of 1776, the French Revolution of 1789, and the Russian Revolution of 1917 best supports the generalization that revolution is most likely to occur when:  *
18. The United States army supported Panama's war of independence against Columbia in 1903 because: *
Please use the following speech to answer questions 19 & 20:
The task of economic policy is to create a prosperous America. The unfinished task of prosperous Americans is to build a Great Society. Our accomplishments have been many; these tasks remain unfinished:
  • to achieve full employment without inflation;
  • to restore external equilibrium and defend the dollar;
  • to enhance the efficiency and flexibility of our private and public economies;
  • to widen the benefits of prosperity;
  • to improve the quality of American life
-Lyndon B. Johnson

19. Former President Lyndon felt that the most important first step in the war against poverty is:
20. The speech implies that America’s prosperity: *
21. The most useful indicator of the degree of democracy reached by a particular society is whether it has a:

22. The actions of the Senate are authorized: *
23. Topography deals with surface features of a region, including its landforms and rivers, lakes, etc., and with man-made features such as canals, bridges, and roads. According to this definition, the topography of a region includes its: *
24. In ancient Athens (Greece) tribes and generals took turns at power. This is an example of what type of political system? *
25. The FRS stands for: *
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