Participant Ethnicity *
Participant Race *
Is the Participant pregnant? *
Is the Participant postpartum? *
Was the Participant recently released from jail/prison? *
Has the Participant been tested for HIV in the past 6 months? *
Has the Participant been tested for Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) in the last 6 months? *
Participant diagnosis (check all that apply) *
Please check the service(s) you are referring this Participant to (Check all that apply--must select at least 1.) *
Does the Participant have an alcohol use disorder (AUD) diagnosis? *
Does the Participant have an opioid use disorder (OUD) diagnosis? *
Does the Participant have a methamphetamine or psychostimulants use disorder? *
Does the Participant have any other substance use disorder (SUD) diagnosis? *
Does the Participant receive Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for a substance use disorder of any kind? *
If the Participant receives MAT, has the Participant received MAT for 3 or more months without interruption? *
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