Market Application Form
Market Location - Blackstock Market, 15 Blackstock Street, Liverpool, L3 6ER
All pitches - £30 + VAT
Blackstock Market has weekly fundays run on a Saturday and Sunday between 11-2pm inside Blackstock Market, home to Liverpool's biggest food market. With live music from local artists and extensive promotion across our social platforms with paid marketing, We are looking for stalls focused around our family fundays running regularly on a Saturday and Sunday. 
Steps to apply to become a trader
1 - Reivew our terms and conditions - Trader Terms & Conditions
2 - Join our official discussion group - Official Blackstock Market Makers Market Facebook Discussion Group
3 - Fill out the form below
4 - We will review all applications and get back to you if our markets are suitable and we are offering you a stall
5 - A Payment link will then be sent with your place being fully confirmed upon receipt of this.
Have a question? Email Us



• We promote our fundays through the same highly successful marketing team behind Hot Water Comedy Club, which has over 7 million followers.

• Our Weekends at Blackstock Market are always packed with regulars, ensuring strong foot traffic for the  market stalls right from the start.

• We have a growing social media following of over 60,000, along with a Liverpool-specific mailing list of over 100,000 subscribers, ensuring extensive reach.

• All pitch fees are being reinvested, with plans for the market to become a weekly fixture. 

Please enter all dates that you are applying for

By submitting this form, I agree to the following:

Load in time *
Load out time *
Payment *
Promotion *
Pitch/Table Size *
Product Limitation *
On the day video promotion *

By signing below, I confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms outlined above. *