Goodrich Youth Football Player Sign Up



Pay by Check please mail checks to: Goodrich Football Boosters P.O. Box 343 Goodrich, MI 48438


Youth Player Division *
Youth Player Division *
Youth Player Division *

Parent Permission and Signature

I understand that the game of football required physical contact and my result in injury to my child. I hereby give my permission for my child listed here to particiapte in the Goodrich Youth Football Program. I also agree to hold harmless the Goodrich Youth Football Program, its coaches, ofcials, the Goodrich Area School District and its employees for any and all liabilities that may occur if my child is injured. I understand that all football equipment issued to my child will be kept in good repari and returned to the Goodrich Youth Football Program in good repair at the conclusion of my child;s involvement with the program in the same year it was issued. I hereby agree to reimbuse the Goodrich Football Boosters for any and all equipment not returned for any reson and or damaged byeond natural wear and tear. I agree that I have read the by-laws ( and agree to all terms and conditions of the Goodrich Youth Football Program. Note that by-laws signoff, physical submitted, and registration fees are paid in full prior to player equipment and jerseys being provided. I understand the registration fees are non-refundable. 