General Itinerary
Monday July 22nd
6:00AM - All players report to Goodrich High School
6:30AM - Depart for Alma College
8:30AM - Arrive to Alma College
9:00AM - Camp Begins
Tuesday July 23rd
12:15 PM - Break Camp
12:30 PM - Depart for Goodrich High School
2:30PM - Arrive Goodrich High School
All players must have the following turned in to Coach Alward by: July 15th, 2024
-Signed 2024 Alma Football Camp rules agreement/parent permission slip
-Martian Camp ($195.00) Summer Camp fee must be paid to attend. This fee is NOT in addition to previous summer camp fees. Please disregard fee if already paid.
-Make checks payable to Goodrich Football
-Players must turn in properly completed, MHSAA approved physical form from a licensed doctor to the athletic office to play football in 2024. Physical forms must be received by August 7th in order to practice or receive equipment. Forms are available in the athletic office or may be printed from the athletics home page online at: Physicals are NOT necessary for Alma camp.
Items Players should bring to camp: Please leave valuables with coaches when at camp.
(Do not ever leave valuables in dorm rooms unattended!
-extra bedding – only beds are provided
-swim suit for pool night on July 22nd.
- Bring quilts/blankets & pillow
-playing cards/games
-garbage bags for dirty clothes
-workout & casual clothes for 2 days
-extra pool towel (shower towels provided)
-cold weather clothing (if necessary)
-helmet, mouthpiece & cleats
-fans if desired as dorm rooms get warm
We have created the following rules for the July football camp in an effort to ensure all player’s safety. Players must return this rules agreement signed by both player and parent to attend camp. Please read carefully as you will be responsible to adhere to all rules and guidelines listed below. In the event an issue arises that is not covered here the football coaching staff’s decisions will be the final authority. The coaching staff will contact player parents for assistance if the coaching staff deems it necessary. Violation of any or all of these rules could prevent a player from attending or being sent home from camp. In the event a player is dismissed from camp, their parent will be called and required to pick up said player from camp at Alma College in Alma, Mi. and provide transportation to his home.
All players bags will be opened for inspection by the coaching staff prior to dparture to camp.
-players may NOT bring any of the following items to camp:
- weapons
- any illegal substance
- any substance in violation of Goodrich High School’s athletic code of conduct
- squirt guns of any kind
- balloons
- fireworks of any kind
- anything deemed unsafe by the coaching staff
- anything deemed by the coaching staff as distractive to the overall objectives of the Goodrich Football Team Camp .
- players must follow all camp rules at all times or are subject to disciplinary actions and or dismissal from camp.
- players must treat all other players and coaches with respect and dignity at all times.
- players must be on time to all camp events
- players must be in their rooms by curfew and must never leave their room after curfew for any reason until their morning wake up call. (The only exception is in case of emergency when a player must summon a coach.)
- hazing, pranks against other players, streaking or any action deemed by the coaching staff as detrimental to any player, coach or our team will not be tolerated and carry severe penalties.
- fighting will not be tolerated and will carry severe penalties.
- any action to purposefully demean or degrade another will not be tolerated and will carry severe penalties.
- All players must show respect at all times for the camp facilities.
- Players and their parents will be financially responsible for any and all damages caused to camp and or school facilities and equipment.