1:1 Application Form
Email address
Phone number
Preferred contact method
How old are you?
What is your height?
What is your current weight?
Are you interested in online or in person training?
Are you willing to be committed to this training program?
I'm not ready yet
What is your experience with fitness and nutrition? (What have you tried in the past? What has worked/ what didn't work?)
What is your goal when it comes to health and fitness? (lose weight, gain weight, gain muscle, improve agility/speed, etc)
Do you have any existing health conditions that may affect your ability to exercise? If so, please explain how this may limit you.
Do you have any current injuries or past injuries that may affect your ability to exercise? If yes, please explain.
This program is a financial commitment. Investing in your health is investing in yourself. Are you at a financial point in your life where you can make this commitment?
Yes Absolutely!
not sure at this time
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