Coaching on Coaching with Lou? If you're interested or intrigued, please come to the free preview on December 9 at 5pm PST (7pm CST). You have to fill out the application below to get the conference number and your PIN.

Louisett Ness is certified with the International Coaching Federation and is a certified Organization and Relationship Systems coach. We will be meeting 6 times in 3 months starting in January 2010 to read Co-Active Coaching and practice skills of coaching and facilitation which are becoming more and more important as we move from "command and control" to more collaborative practices in the workplace.

Lou is not a software person, but she facilitated a workshop at Agile 2009 in Chicago, the flagship conference of the Agile Alliance which leads the agile software development movement. This class was first announced at Agile Open in San Francisco. But this will not be a software oriented class. Real software creation issues ultimately reduce to people issues, especially if you are leading a team, or trying to influence one, or many.

This class will be $10 a session (a total of $60) due upon acceptance of your application. Introductory coaching courses normally go for $300 and higher, so this is an excellent price for this pilot program. We require a commitment to attend all six sessions. There is one scholarship left for serious students who are undergoing financial difficulties.

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